Xander is going to be a big brother! Sometime in September. My original due date was beginning of Sept but after the 20 week u/s they changed it to the end of Sept so... hopefully it will be a September baby, but given my history with Xander I'm not looking to deliver any earlier than my due date! Here are some freaky alien pics...
well those came out pretty small but oh well! The one on the top is the freaky alien baby face- don't you just love those eye sockets staring at you! The bottom one was a pretty decent profile shot. The baby is lying sideways in my belly sucking on his/her toes (NO we do not know the gender and NO we are not going to find out so you will all have to wait to see with us in September!), so that lump you see up by her (I'm calling it a her for the sake of not having to use multiple pronouns and b/c Frank thinks it is a girl) nose is actually her foot. So that'smy big news!
1 comment:
congratulations!!! :) xander will love being a big brother.
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