Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Preschool here we come...

So today we met with the preschool teacher at Winchester Elementary School. Xander is currently receiving speech therapy from early intervention and once he turns 3 he will be receiving services from the school district, assuming that he still qualifies anyway. So the teacher came to our house to meet him and to discuss preschool with us. Frank wasn't able to make it so it was me, the preschool teacher, and Xander's speech therapist, Emily. Basically she just explained how the whole process of transitioning him to the school's care worked. So in February Xander will have his yearly evaluation to determine his eligibility for services. At this point I think he will qualify without difficulty. Despite some very significant progress these last few months, he is still pretty delayed when compared to his peers. Then in April we will meet with the school for a Team Meeting with the teacher, the special ed director and speech therapy to determine whether or not the school agrees with his Feb evaluation and whether they agree to provide services. Assuming this all go according to plan Xander could start preschool as of his 3rd birthday in May. We'll see if we decide to start him in May or wait until the beginning of the new year in May... I feel like starting him in May might be almost disruptive but given how much snow that we have had they may be going to school into July! In any case even if he doesn't still qualify for services he is on the wait list for preschool so come September my little man will be going to school- well at least he'll be going to school four 1/2 days a week! The advantage to him needing speech is that preschool would be free, whereas if he goes as a normal "peer" then we have to pay tuition but at least the tuition is very reasonable. Gosh school already... I'm still processing this!

1 comment:

christina said...

Isnt it crazy?!? Gavin will be in kindergarten next year... Im still freaking out about it! They redistricted us to a better school - yaaaa so we went by and let G look at it yesterday. He is so excited! It feels like just yesterday when you were laying on my couch and he was sound asleep on your chest.