Friday, January 2, 2009

Xander gets a little red wagon!

So Grandma and Grandpa Linnenbringer bought Xander a "little" red wagon (supposed to be just like the one Frank had when he was a little boy but we had to compromise a little since they don't make that kind anymore!) for Xander for Christmas. Grandpa very graciously put it together for us and Xander gave it a whirl. As you can see he thought it was awesome! I think he was most excited by the fact that he could grab onto the sides and pull himself up- much to mommy's dismay as he just about tumbled out- luckily the sides are too high for him to do that quite yet so his head is protected for a little while longer.


Reba said...

What a cute picture!

christina said...

Oh my! He looks so happy!

Vanessa and Greg said...

LOVE this picture! He looks so happy it makes me want a wagon of my own ;) Maybe I'll get one for Ella instead =)

Haley said...

So stinkin cute!