Sunday, February 1, 2009

Xander is 8 months old!

Hard to believe it but our little man is already 8 months old! They grow and change so fast. He is developing such a personality- mostly stubborn like his mother b/c if he doesn't get what he wants- boy you better watch out! He doesn't have any teeth yet but I am wondering if he has been working on some this weekend b/c he has been more fussy than usual. Luckily I have to work this weekend so poor Frank has had to deal with the bulk of fussiness. Mostly he just wants to be held all the time- he's fine as long as you don't put him down or confine him. The problem is that he is so mobile these days if you don't confine him he gets into trouble! He started crawling, really crawling on his hands and knees on his 8 month birthday! He's been army crawling for a while (a month at least) but Friday morning when I put him down on the floor he popped up onto his hands ands knees and hasn't stopped motoring since then! He also started cruising a little- he pulls himself up into a standing position on absolutely anything he can get his hands on- whether it is stable or not! and he's been tottering around the coffee table and this toy thing my mom got him for christmas. Twice he's let go and stod there for a few seconds before grabbing back on or falling over. Luckily he has those big cloth diapers to pad his bottom! I'm not ready for him to be walking (even now some serious child proofing needs to happen) but I think no matter what it will happen before I am ready.

In big and exciting news we are going to Hawaii in April with some friends from Peace Corps. One of our friends got access to a (basically) free time share for a week so all we need is to pay for transportation, food and entertainment! Whoo hoo- awesome tropical vaca here I come! I know it will be a long plane ride with Xan but I am hoping that a week laying by the pool and playing at the beach will make up fo rthe plane ride. We got a pretty direct flight- only one stop so maybe he'll sleep (yeah right!), then again maybe if he doesn't sleep we won't have to worry so much about jet lag.

1 comment:

Reba said...

Cute new pictures :) Yay for "real" crawling.