I finished book one of the Scottish Crown series and have just started in on
The Price of Freedom, which is book two. After reading the first book, I would have to say that this series has been pretty mediocre so far. It's supposed to be historical with a romance but the romance isn't all that exciting and I've read WAY better books about this historical period (namely the
Outlander series). I've only just started the second book but I don't really have high hopes. My other complaint is that for some reason I go the impression that this series was more for young adult readers but I certainly wouldn't want my teenage daughter reading a book that begins with the violent sexual assault of the main character- not that there is anything explicit in it... but still. Then there is the supposed Christian theme to the book but the main female character spends most of the first book ranting again God for having ruined her life- of course she comes around in the end but I didn't find anything spiritual or beautiful in the text. Like I said I found the first book to be rather mediocre and the second book looks like it not really a continuation of the first story but a whole new love story set in the same historical period. At least they are quick and easy reads. Definitely going into the donate to the library box.
I am still working on the second bootie for my layette set. It's not really difficult but I have to say I am having a bit of a time getting going on it. The first one came out so huge I am not inspired to finish the second one- since I pretty much know they won't fit at the same time as the rest of the layette. I guess this is why I am not a sock knitter! I also haven't been doing much knitting these days because I have been working hard in James' room. I have manged to work my way through 2 cans ceiling paint, 1 can of primer, a can of chalkboard paint, and 1 can of very expensive Benjamin Moore paint-yikes! it is very nice paint though. The room is basically finished painting wise but I still have to finish the closet. I finished painting the room this evening and I think I am going to be able to get away with only one coat of paint and some touch-ups. I am going to let the paint really dry tomorrow and see where it needs to be retouched. I ran out of primer so I need to head to Home Depot while I am in town tomorrow to get some more primer for the closet and some molding to frame out the chalkboard wall. I want it to have a very clear frame so there can be no mistaking where it is ok to draw on the wall and where it is not. Then I need to paint the trim, install the new outlets and light switches, prime the sub floor to cover up the old cat pee smell (from previous owners), and paint the heater covers. The new floor is being installed the week of the 20th and then I can have fun decorating! I am really glad that all the painting will be done before the floor comes in because that way I don't have to worry about getting paint on my brand new hardwood floors! I didn't think I was going to make it past painting the ceiling (whoever invented popcorn ceiling is a sadist) but I am so glad I did because it looks so much better!
I forgot to add the linky to where all the cool kids hang out. Join us a
Ginny's place.