Sunday, November 30, 2008

Xander is six months old!

I can't believe that Xander is already six months old! Oh how the time has flown... He is sitting up pretty much unassisted now and can roll (and frequently does) from back to belly but as yet has not figured out how to roll from belly to back. He likes to get on his belly and then either spin in circles or scoot across the hardwood floor. I keep finding him in the most random spots. The other day he managed to wiggle himself into the corner between the wall and the sofa and get himselfwedged so he couldn't turn back around. Needless to say he wasn't too happy about that! I miss the days when he would stay where I put him and I am not looking forward to the very near future when he can do more than scoot! He has his 6 month Dr apt on Friday so we'll find out ht and wt then.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving with my family. The best part was that we went over and spent Wednesday night at my mom's house so when Xander woke up at 6 am, which is his new habit, I fed him nd turned him over to Nan and we got to sleep till 9:30! Ahhh the forgotten joys of sleep...wish I could get some more today.

I included some pictures of our visit down to Reba and Jeff's house last week. Xander has discovered hair as you can see from Frank's face! And he loves to give kisses although for all who think they might want some I warn you they are pretty slobbery! It was the first time that Xander had met Laura so that was fun - although I think he was more interested in opening his present and eating the paper rather than being interested in the present itself! Thank you Laura for the Curious George doll. It was fun to see him actually rip off the paper on his own present. I think he will probably be too young to appreciate Christmas this year all that much but I can just see him trying to eat all that pretty paper- fun!

Well back to the grind!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

long week....

It's been a long week! Having mastitis really threw me through a loop. I didn't get out of bed for days and then all I did was move to the couch. I'd feel great and then BOOM after a couple of hours I'd be back feeling lousy again. I've had no stamina whatsoever. We went over to the seacoast this weekend to do family pics for mom's christmas card and I wanted to do some shopping as well but boy did I pay today. I barely made it to work tonight. I think that allergies on top of being ill just made me feel as if I was walking around in a fog! I felt better a few hours after taking some allergy meds. Anyway despite being wiped today we did have a nice weekend with the famdamily. Xander enjoyed going to the busy mall- he really seemed to enjoy people watching! He was exhausted by the end of the day, heck he was tired by the time picture taking was over, but he kept fighting sleep- so cute. We got some really gorgeous pics of him so that was worth it! His individual pics were much better than the ones of him in the group but you can't win them all. He wore the outfit on the right in several of his pictures. Gotta love a baby in jeans. What can I say he is his father's son!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Xander gets cereal for the first time...

and maybe the last for awhile. I'm not sure who was wearing more of the cereal me or him! He'd been super cranky all day and when it was time to go to bed he just wouldn't settle so we figured what the heck we'll try some cereal- obviously he wasn't too interested. I think he was much more interested in chewing on the spoon than in the cereal itself but at least he didn't give me the same horrible expression he did when I offered him butternut squash. I think we will stick with mommy milk for awhile longer. As it turned out the next day I developed mastitis so I am guessing the reason he was fussy was b/c my milk tasted different. It is amazing to me how quickly mastitis can hit you. I was fine all day tues, went to my neighbors house tues night and was fine until I'd been there a couple of hours and then I started to get a headache and feel achy. But even when I went home I only had a temp of 99, but then I started to feel really, really cold and started having shivers and feeling really cr*ppy! By 11 my temp was up to 102 and I called the doctor and by the time poor Frank had to drive to Keene to pick up a Rx for antibiotics and got home again it was up to 103. Needless to say I felt like I had been run over by a train. I haven't had a fever today thank goodness but the round the clock motrin that I have been taking miht explain part of that! I still feel icky- if I stand up for too long I get all woozy and my breast hurts like crazy! Somehow it seems cosmically unfair that the best cure for mastitis is to nurse frequently but that it also hurts like crazy! oh well....

I also included a pic of Xander in his newest mommy creation- I love this diaper (so cute) however it wicks like crazy so I will have to do some tweaking with my sewing! I think I can make it so the next one doesn't wick- that's my plan anyway. I just got some adorable new knits so I am going to make a bunch of serged fitteds with my new serger- thank you mom! I also love the fact that he is just having a rocking good time.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Enjoying life on the farm!

So today I got up to go to work and looked out my front window to enjoy the view (and check the weather) when I noticed that our sheep were not in their paddock but roaming the front yard willy nilly. So obviously that was a situation that needed rectifiying... so I trapse outside in my bathrobe and crocs (b/c why bother getting dressed when I am just going to be chasing sheep) and proceed to chase down the sheep rather unsucessfully. I swear one of them was laughing at me as she bounded away! Apparently I am not as speedy as the sheep. In the end I just left the barn door open and they made their way into their pen (luckily it was before I left for work).

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh how I love Halloween!

I just have to say that I think Halloween is my favorite holiday. It is such a fun excuse to dress up and get crazy and when you have an adorable little man to dress up too - what more could you ask for! We had a very fun halloween party at the house this year complete with a pinata, arts & crafts, a ton of food, apple bobbing(which mostly seemed like an excuse for the kids to get wet!), and decorate your own cupcakes (a big hit thanks to the awesome homemade chocolate frosting by Melissa- thanks Melissa!). Xander had multiple halloween costumes (along with multiple halloween outfits which I was sad to retire but now we have Thanksgiving outfits...he he he). So here he is as a lion, a corn on the cob (my personal fav) and of course wearing his baby scrubs. The baby scrubs are a little obscured by the bib so we will have to wear those again so he can be appropriately photographed for mommy's locker at work!