and maybe the last for awhile. I'm not sure who was wearing more of the cereal me or him! He'd been super cranky all day and when it was time to go to bed he just wouldn't settle so we figured what the heck we'll try some cereal- obviously he wasn't too interested. I think he was much more interested in chewing on the spoon than in the cereal itself but at least he didn't give me the same horrible expression he did when I offered him butternut squash. I think we will stick with mommy milk for awhile longer. As it turned out the next day I developed mastitis so I am guessing the reason he was fussy was b/c my milk tasted different. It is amazing to me how quickly mastitis can hit you. I was fine all day tues, went to my neighbors house tues night and was fine until I'd been there a couple of hours and then I started to get a headache and feel achy. But even when I went home I only had a temp of 99, but then I started to feel really, really cold and started having shivers and feeling really cr*ppy! By 11 my temp was up to 102 and I called the doctor and by the time poor Frank had to drive to Keene to pick up a Rx for antibiotics and got home again it was up to 103. Needless to say I felt like I had been run over by a train.
I haven't had a fever today thank goodness but the round the clock motrin that I have been taking miht explain part of that! I still feel icky- if I stand up for too long I get all woozy and my breast hurts like crazy! Somehow it seems cosmically unfair that the best cure for mastitis is to nurse frequently but that it also hurts like crazy! oh well....
I also included a pic of Xander in his newest mommy creation- I love this diaper (so cute) however it wicks like crazy so I will have to do some tweaking with my sewing! I think I can make it so the next one doesn't wick- that's my plan anyway. I just got some adorable new knits so I am going to make a bunch of serged fitteds with my new serger- thank you mom! I also love the fact that he is just having a rocking good time.
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