Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A day in MO

Well the first that Xander did today after breakfast and wreaking havoc in the house for a bit was to go for a ride
on the combine with Uncle Luke- as you can see his wreaking havoc must have been exhausting b/c he only made it two rounds on the combine before passing out! After his combine nap he came back and played on the computer for a bit- he likes it much better though when the computer is actually on.
After playing on the computer we went into town to pick up Uncle Kurt from school and went out to dinner with Grandma. Then Grandma went home and mommy and daddy got to go to the movies by ourselves!!!!!!! whoo hoo. Apparently Xander fell asleep on the way home and then sacked out on the couch. At one point he rolled off the couch, hit the floor, and didn't even wake up! Aahh the joys of being a toddler. The poor kiddo was probably exhausted b/c despite the current selection of pictures he has slept very little since we have been here! So much for mommy and daddy catching up on sleep- apparently the one hour time change meant for some serious jet lag in Alexander's case.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Xander's 18 month apt and James' 2 month apt

So mommy survived a marathon trip to the Dr today! I couldn't decide if it would be better to go twice or just to get it all over with in one whack so I went with the one whack approach and we survived! So today Xander weighs 22 lbs 13 oz, is 31 in tall and has a head circumference of 18 1/4 in- which ta da puts him in the gasp 10% percentile! Whoo hoo we broke into the double digits! James weighs 12 lbs 10 oz- eeek, thsat means he weighs half as much as his MUCH older brother! He is 23 1/4 in long(apparently he got all the tall genes) and his head circumference was 15 3/4 in. This puts hjim 50-60th% for size. Everyone got shots- routine vaccines for James and Xander got flu shots and a DTAP- we put off the rest of his vaccines so he didn't have to get too many shots today and since he has to go back for the 2nd dose of the H1N1 in a month he can get the last routine vaccine then. So after the dr everyone came home and took a nap- wheew. But both boys were seriously cranky when they woke up. James screamed for an hour straight- which is very unlike him, but he was passing some stinky gas so I don't know if it was the shots or the gas that was bothering him. He finally chilled after being in the moby for awhile. Turns out Xander's problem was that he was hungry but I was so distracted with James' screaming that it took me longer than usually to figure it out. Everyone is quiet now though- yeah!

And to all those who say how much bigger James is than Xander I will remind you that at 2 months Xander was 12lbs 4 oz and was 23 1/2 in long so he weighed about the same and was 1/4 in longer! So we'll see what happens when he starts crawling/walking. I'm so curiopus whether I'll have 2 skinny kids or whether Xander will be wearing James' hand me downs!

So we are all packed for MO and I am so impressed with myself that I managed to pack all our stuff into 2 suitcases and 2 carryons with a little room to spare for those added things I am sure I will think of tomorrow! All that is left is to pack the tolietry bag- and even better all bags are underweight! Too bad that when I checked in for our flight Frank ended up in the B group- luckily I am and A so we can still board earlier- it doesn't really matter as long as we get to sit together and with 2 little ones I am sure everyone else on the plane will want us to sit together too!

Well Xander is awfully quiet so I had better see what trouble he is getting into!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

James is 8 weeks old!


We are having our belated Halloween Party tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be terrible so hopefully at least some people will be able to come. Then next week we are off to MO for Thanksgiving. I have spent the last week shoveling the house- how sad is it that it took me and entire week, and sending Xander to daycare 2 days, in order to actually get my house clean enough to allow people to come and visit. Now the trick is to keep it this way! I think it will be hardest when we come back from MO with the unpacking and everything. I only have 2 more rooms to tackle- the bedroom and guest bedroom escaped the cleaning and boy can you tell!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

James is seven weeks old and Xander makes his 2nd trip to the ER!

Sometimes I just totally hate blogger- I had a huge long post typed and supposedly saved and when I went to move one of the pictures the whole darn thing crashed on me- ggrrrrgrgrgrggr
So anyway... I can't believe my little bit is already 7 weeks old- eeek! And he is such a smily little guy! Xander decided to celebrate James' 7 week birthday by slipping and falling in the tub- hitting his head on either the edge of the tub or the faucet I'm not sure which- and splitting open his forehead. At first it was bleeding like crazy and I was a bit concerned- mind you the fact that both kids were screaming bloddly murder and Xander and I were both naked having just been in the tub didn't help the situation! But by the time we left for the hospital the bleeding had basically stopped but I was worried that he might need stitches. They ended up just using dermabond to glue it back together which was so much less painful than stitches would have been so thank goodness! We actaully got in and out of there pretty quickly and Xander tolerated all the poking and prodding pretty well! Milk is a wonderful soother.
Today we spent most of the day down at the ELM b/c Frank was organizing the Soccer Jamboree. Luckily it was a lovely day and Xander seemed to be his normal self running around like a crazy child, bouncing in the bouncy house, playing with soccer balls, and clambering on the playground. James was easy today just chilling out- as opposed to yesterday when he wanted to be held ALL DAY LONG! The plan for the rest of the weekend is to clean, clean, clean in order to get ready for the party next Saturday!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

From Drab to Fab...

So the first picture in this series is what Alexander's room looked like before we got going on it. Totally fine but kinda drab- although as we discovered as we got redecorating there were quite a few holes in the walss, etc. It looked like some little boy had taken a BB gun to the walls. But now poor James is already getting hand me downs as Alexander gets to move out of the nursery and into his newly remodeled and redecorated FABULOUS room! I think this room turned out very nicely and works so well. Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Linnebringer for all your hardwork painting, rewiring etc- we totally would not have been able to get this actually finished without your help.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Xander goes trick or treating...

So last night was Halloween, obviously, and we took Xander trick or tretaing for the first time! He was so cute. He didn't quite get it at first but by then end he had figured out that if you walk up to the house and hold out your bucket then people will put nifty things into it! It was very warm and despite the rain it was nice to be able to take Xander on his first Halloween outing. He's too young to say anything of course but he was so cute in his penguin suit. After trick or treating we went over to our friends Sean and Jen's house, where we stayed up WAY too late (Xander included). Xander changed into his superman suit for their party b/c his penguin suit was soaked! Poor Frank was feeling pretty rough as he has been fighting a cold for what seems like weeks but it was so nice to have some adult conversation that I just kept yaking and yaking with the girls! Hopefully he will eb able to catch up on some sleep today. My goal is to hit the after ahlloween sales and stock up on supplies for our party- he he he!