Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A day in MO

Well the first that Xander did today after breakfast and wreaking havoc in the house for a bit was to go for a ride
on the combine with Uncle Luke- as you can see his wreaking havoc must have been exhausting b/c he only made it two rounds on the combine before passing out! After his combine nap he came back and played on the computer for a bit- he likes it much better though when the computer is actually on.
After playing on the computer we went into town to pick up Uncle Kurt from school and went out to dinner with Grandma. Then Grandma went home and mommy and daddy got to go to the movies by ourselves!!!!!!! whoo hoo. Apparently Xander fell asleep on the way home and then sacked out on the couch. At one point he rolled off the couch, hit the floor, and didn't even wake up! Aahh the joys of being a toddler. The poor kiddo was probably exhausted b/c despite the current selection of pictures he has slept very little since we have been here! So much for mommy and daddy catching up on sleep- apparently the one hour time change meant for some serious jet lag in Alexander's case.

1 comment:

Reba said...

glad you guys had a nice trip and everybody is doing well! what movie did you see? also when do you go back to work? i had the boys' xmas gifts mailed right to you b/c i'm not sure when i'll be back up there. gotta go rescue the xbox from naomi.