Monday, December 12, 2011

I am a toddler and my name is uncooperative...

I have been trying to get a word of the week video since we came back from MO and have mostly been unsuccessful.  The second I turn the camera on them the boys just want to look at the video screen.  These were the best of many attempts... 
This is Xander saying "That is totally awesome" which has become one of his favorite words recently. The other day I caught him singing a little ditty which consisted entirely of the word awesome! Then this morning at church we were helping in the food pantry and he saw the big industrial range and he said, "Holy Gosh that's a big stove!."  For a minute we though he say Holy G*d and were a bit mortified but he clarified by repeating it several time, very loudly!
James most recently has been obsessed with babies and puppies- hence the puppy shirt.  We went to a Christmas party at a neighbor's yesterday and he spent the entire time enraptured by their new puppy.  The poor dog... luckily she has a 2 yr old owner so she is used to the lovin of a toddler.


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