And last but not least because your husband looks like this...he he he
Sunday, February 28, 2010
5 reasons to love winter...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Feed Me!!!!!
See Xander has the right idea being a big boy eating with his fork and all! I can't believe how fast he is developing skills. He is just climbing everywhere - even on the kitchen counters! The other day he pulled the step ladder up to the counter, climbed up, and helped himself to some oreos- smart cookie! He's eating with a fork and spoon, albeit messily. He started his speech therapy last monday and has another session this monday. He was so good the last time- Emily, his therapist, had some wooden fruit that velcros together and he spent like 1/2 hour cutting the fruit, puttting it back together, cutting it some more. I was so impressed with his attention span and by the end of it he was basically saying "cut." He is saying more words for sure now. We have been trying to utilize the important words often so he really gets them and now he can tell us what he wants to a certain extent. He still isn't using distinct words- like joe-shmo off the street probably wouldn't be able to understand him- except for "ball" which is his favorite word by far- but he is clear enough that at least Frank and I know what he wants. "Milk" and "Bath" seem to be the 2 most recent additions. The last couple of nights that we have tried to put him to bed without a bath he goes upstairs and says "baaah", goes in to the bathroom and will try to climb into the tub full clothed! Apparently he likes the bath!
ps- not many pics of Xander recently b/c taking a photo of him is like trying to hit a moving target with a toothpick!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Speech therapy here we come...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
James is 5 months old!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
chuggin along...
In farm news we received our chicks yesterday from McMurrays. 30 baby chicks- eek! Well actually it was 31 but we had one transport casualty. So we had 25 brown egg layers, 3 silver laced wynadottes, 2 araucanas, and 1 unknown exotic chick- all female except the unknown rare one (it was free) which could be female but who knows at this point. We're not exactly sure which one died- I think it may have been one of the araucanas which would be unfortunate since we only got 2. The only ones I identified for sure were the turken (we have one), the light brahmas (we have 2 of those), and the silver laced wyandottes (there are 3). Other than that I haven't officially identified all of the other yet. I think we have quite a few white stars and maybe a couple buff orpingtons or NH reds- hopefully they will demonstrate some more definitive characteristics soon. We have 10 Khaki Campbell ducks coming sometime this week so that should complete the fowl for this year. We had one more muscovy casualty- the chocolate drake unfortunetly but at least we still have the black drake so we'll still get babies. But in any case we should have more than enough birds!
We have Xander's speech eval tomorrow morning so hopefully that will go well. Updates after...
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
lost in the shuffle
I have nothing much to report, we have spent a lot of time huddling at home recently. We did hire a contractor to work on our house- we are starting with the front door and the demolition of the hearth. Now we ahve to figure out where we want them to put all the brick and get that room cleaned out so they can work- and hope that when it comes time to move the stove they can actually move it without having to take it completely apart (b/c we're not sure it will go back together again!). Then assuming all goes well we'll go ahead with new windows and siding in the summer. I'd like to do the bath project while we are at it but then I keep coming up with all sorts of projects and I have to draw the line somewhere! although I will probably see about installing a butler staircase to the attic b/c somehow storage room is getting very sparse! Somehow we have managed to fill up all the closets in our house and the basement looks like a junkyard- some spring cleaning (and purging- difficult with 2 pack rats in the house) is in order this year!
We got new ducks- chocolate muscovys who were featured on the cover of the current issue of Backyard Poultry if you'd like to see them. Unfortunetly 2 of the newbies have succumbed to unseen forces- racoon, foxes or maybe Cassie... If they wouldn't fly out of their pen then they would be better off but what can you do! Unfortunetly one of the casualties was the drake so now we just have a black drake- so I guess it is a good thing we don't care about pure bred chocolates...Baby chicks coming on monday or tues- we got the brown egg layer assortment from McMurrays plus a few silver laced wyandottes, some aracuanas, and some khaki campbell ducks so we will have waterfowl galore! Hopefully we can train the little ones to stay in the pen so they don't get eaten! I'll post pics whent hey arrive- I'm hoping Xander will be interested in them- he loves to help me feed the birds as it is so I can't imagine that he wouldn't be interested in the babies. I guess maybe I should hope that he isn't too rough with them!