Monday, March 26, 2012

Busy, busy, busy...

Well we had three more lambs Saturday (or rather Friday night into Saturday).  Looks like just about everyone will have lambed before shearing!  So much for best laid plans (apparently we were a month off on our lamb timing...) Pearl had a gorgeous little black ewe lamb and Betty graced us with ewe/ram twins. So that bring the total to 6 so far, 2 sets of twins and 2 singeltons. Frank set up a pen in the barn and we kicked the cows out and moved the sheep in Saturday evening.  Good thing he moved them Saturday evening b/c it started pouring rain in the middle of the night! Shearing is set for later today so we want them to be dry before they are sheared. Its going to be a busy afternoon.  I'm really hoping that as we work on shearing I will be able to get some decent shots of all the girls so I can update the menagerie page to reflect the actual herd.  We'll also be tail cropping and tagging all the new lambs b/c it is getting hard to tell them apart.  Everyone will be getting feet trimmed and dewormed also. An afternoon of true sheep farming! I'd better make sure the camera is fully charged...

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