Sunday, September 27, 2009


Everyone keeps asking me who James looks like and I think the answer is Alexander- with obvious coloring differences. Then again he has elements of Frank (skin tone) and elements of me mixed in with a bit of his Uncle James. But really he looks like Xander. Here are my boys at 4 days old- although James is jaundiced and Xander wasn't and since James outweighs Xander by over a pound he is a bit chubbier!


Reba said...

i will have to see james in person to decide. in the pics i really think he looks most like YOU, whitney. i really don't see xander's looks much at all but babies in photos look so different from how they really look, you know? can't wait to meet him!! i hope all is going well. we're seeing naomi's GI specialist again on wednesday so hopefully will be one step closer to figuring things out then. she is still not eating. it's very stressful not to mention just difficult to fit in feeding her every hour so she stays hydrated. particularly difficult with all the home renovation stuff we have going on. anyway give my love to the boys! all 3 of them :)

Haley said...

I think he looks like James.