Friday, February 19, 2010

Speech therapy here we come...

So Xander had his evaluation for early intervention yesterday morning and it went about how we expected. He is age appropriate in gros motor, fine motor, self-help, and social skills. He is age appropriate in cognition with some omissions and language...well let's just say he isn't exactly age appropriate when it come to language. He was placing in the 8-14 month old range and all off his omissions in the cognition area were in regards to language- apparently with the developmental assessment tool they use receptive language is part of the cognition area where as the language section is all expressive language. So big suprise he qualifies for speech therapy which we will begin in the next few weeks. They also recommnede that we get his hearing checked to make sure that a hearing loss isn't the cause of his language delay. So the referral for that is also in the works. Fun times.... Although Xander thought it was pretty darn cool being the center of attention and having someone come and play just with him!


Reba said...

i'm glad xander will be getting some help with learning more words. you know i totally thought of that, what if he can't hear? the hearing tests are pretty fun too. well one is, they say the baby's name and make weird noises out of different speakers in spots all over the walls in a soundproof room. (the other one is just little wires going in their ears and making lines on a graph. well actually they're supposed to make bumps on the graph, but naomi's made flat lines. blah.) you must be so relieved that the evaluation is over. when can we come over?

Melody said...

We did the same thing with Sam. RISE came to our house and they were so wonderful... I don't know if it was the help of RISE or that his language just came together when it wanted to, but it seemed like he just woke up one day a chatterbox! He had a ball with Wendy from RISE though!