Today we had a very busy day! I took the boys to swim class in the morning at the YMCA while Frank attended the town deliberative session for 2011. Then we headed over to the seacoast to attend the annual alumni skating party at PEA. We have gone the last several years and it has always been a good time. Skating, pizza, cookies, cider, and hot chocolate- where can you go wrong?!? This year we met my mom, my brothers, my sister-in-law, and all my nieces and nephews there. For Xander, May and George it was their first time on skates. We decided James was too young to give it a go this year! My mom found Xander these itty bitty tiny skates- they are so stinking cute! He managed to master walking around on them on solid ground but once he got onto the ice he just kept saying "it's too slippy." We tried to get him to do it on his own a bit but mostly we held him up or pushed him around on milk cartons. He had a blast though and didn't want to leave the ice- even to eat pizza and cookies! May did awesome, after an hour or so she was skating around without the aid of milk cartons. George had a bit more trouble but we're blaming the lack of toe picks on his skates! James spent quite a bit of time riding around in the stroller on the ice and being held by everyone. He managed to make time for pizza and cookies! In the past we've spent the night after the party at my mom's but this time we came home b/c we have a lot to get done tomorrow- pigs and steer need to get to the butcher and then there is the Super Bowl of course! but next year we are definitely staying over at my mom's. The ride home was SO long and Frank and I were spent by the time we got home. How is it that there never seem to be enough hours to sleep in the day....
Here you have Baby James and Big James!
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