Thursday, March 10, 2011

A visit to the eye doctor

So today I went to the eye doctor for the first time in a very very long time! I had Lasix during my senior year in college in 1999 so I was really good about going to the eye dr then but since I came home from the Peace Corps I have noticed that I haven't been so good about going- ok I think I went once... I just never seemed to have the time. But over the last several years I have noticed that I was having some trouble reading street signs etc.. Mostly I didn't want to admit it to myself but then I got the notice that my driver's license is up for renewal in May and honestly I wasn't sure I could pass the vision test so I figured I had better go and get it taken care of before I have to renew my license.

So I dropped the kiddos off at daycare and hauled myself to the eye dr. Good things I dropped the kids off first cause that was a long appointment! Long story short I don't NEED glasses to drive I could probably pass the test without them but I am nearsighted enough that some glasses would help me drive more safely. So I earned myself a snazzy new pair of specs! and boy did I have some serious sticker shock when I went to go get them! I mean I knew glasses were expensive but whoowzers! They were still pretty outrageous and if I get them at the Optical Shop at work I get a 25% discount! But I did get to pick them out without kids helping me so that was nice but since the whole process took a lot longer than I expected I had to rush home so I could get a nap before having to go to work...who needs sleep, right.?

In more exciting farm news Mary had twin white ram lambs this morning.... more white babies! At least this time Mary is at least a white ewe.....

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